Vegetarian Treats [2]
*Storage Tips:
Each packaging comes with "Humi-Dry" dehumidifier to keeps the treats fresh. Please keep the dehumidifier packs with the treats in an air-tight container once open.
For meat product, it is even better if you can store it in refrigerator to prolong the storage life span.
Product: [V001] Vegetarian Super Ring
Shelf Life: 2 months from manufacturing date
1. Japanese Sweet Potatoes
2. Organic Carrot
3. Flaxseed
Nutritional Fact:
Just as human, carrots provides Alpha-carotene and Beta-carotene which is good for the furkid's eye sight, while flaxseed contains great source of Omega 3, which is benefits for healthy coat and skin, prevent arthritis as well as cardiovascular disease. Sweet Potatoe has been a common ingredient in kibbles and dog food. It can be digested easily and offer plenty of fiber. One of the best health benefits is the calcium level that helps strengthen dogs' bones and teeth
Weight: 80 grams per pack
Price: RM 8.00
* Note: To Pets Owner - Please be cautious of what your pet is allergy to !
* Note: To Pets Owner - Please be cautious of what your pet is allergy to !
Shelf Life: 2 months from manufacturing date
1. Organic Pumpkin
2. Organic Carrots
3. White Sesame
4. Flaxseed
4. Flaxseed
Nutritional Fact:
Pumpkin & Carrots provides rich source of disease fighting nutrient such as Alpha-carotene, Beta-carotene, Fiber, Vitamin C & E, Potassium, Magnesium and most important it's low in fat & calories. In the other hand, sesame seeds contain sesamin and sesamolin, substances that protect the liver against damage. Besides that it is also a good source of Vitamin E, which helps strengthen the heart and the nervous system. In addition, flaxseed contains great source of Omega 3, which is benefits for healthy coat and skin, prevent arthritis as well as cardiovascular disease
Weight: 80 grams per pack
Price: RM 8.00